Predictions about the future of work in 2023

COVID-19, the ensuing Great Resignation, and ongoing economic complexity have generated a wide range of work in recent years. This year employers must consider what comes next to compete in a difficult hiring landscape. Here are four predictions for the jobs of the future in the coming year.

Companies will be a mix of on-site, remote, and hybrid work.

Work from home, on-site, or a combination of the two? Following COVID, businesses have taken a scattershot approach to determine what to do with their workforce. Many employees who worked from home during the pandemic do not want to return or would choose a combination schedule, too many employers believe that employees who show up in person benefit productivity.

Employers should find an equilibrium in 2023, between maximizing productivity and providing their employees with the flexibility and work-life balance that comes with working from home. Employees who do not believe they are given this flexibility may decide to look for work elsewhere, as remote opportunities are increasing and providing job seekers with numerous options.

A new generation will take over as leaders, and a new generation will begin to work.

As more Baby Boomers retire each day, a different generation—Gen X—takes on higher-level leadership roles in organizations. Xers contribute significantly to these leadership roles as direct communicators, eager learners, autonomous self-starters, and excellent multitaskers.

As Xers advance, a new generation, Gen Z, enters the picture. This generation of professionals is less concerned with salary and more concerned with things like remote work flexibility, wellness and mental health initiatives, and meaningful work and culture.

Millennials are the largest working generation, followed by Gen X and Gen Z.

This generation is known for being innovative, optimistic, open-minded, and supportive at work, and they place a premium on perks and culture over pay.

Organizations must take the necessary steps in 2023 to create a motivated workforce by offering benefits and regulations that apply to all generations.


Benefits that are reliable will become more essential than ever before.

Healthcare costs are increasing, and employees value high-quality care more than ever. Voluntary programs can help employers attract and retain talent while managing their bottom line in this employee's market.

Voluntary benefits are distinct in that they are paid straight to employees rather than to doctors or hospitals. Employees can use their cash benefits for whatever they want, including medical fees and living expenses.

This financial security is reasonably priced. Supplemental insurance premiums are typically a few dollars per paycheck and can be paid through a variety of flexible funding options, including 100% employer-paid, 100% employee paid, or a combination of the two.

Businesses will employ a self-employed workforce.

This independent workforce enables companies to boost their laborers during peak demand and then return to a lean and efficient team when workloads return to normal. Calling in support on an on-demand basis is beneficial for small businesses that require specialized assistance, from time to time, but cannot manage to keep those employees on workers full-time.

Employers should consider how independent workers can profit their business in 2023.